Antet GPN 2023


DRAMA. Romania - All's Well That Ends

Production Company: Radio Romania. Producer: Oana Cristea Grigorescu. Author: Andreea Tănase. Adaptation, directing & sound design: Mihnea Chelaru. Composer: George Marcu. Sound engineer: Florin Bădic. Cast: Nicoleta Lefter, Cristian Iacob.


All’s Well that Ends, the first play by Andreea Tănase, is a fake comedy, inspired by the mid-life couple crisis. In contrast to the wedding ceremony, the couple in crisis organizes a divorce party. Due to the current context, the party is online, it is a live facebook stream with an open invitation – friends of the couple or anyone curious about others’ life and intimacy can take part in the event. The divorce party is a pretext to discover important flashbacks in the life of the couple and, also, to expose the unstable balance of their relationship. The dramatic techniques alternates the present with the recollection of moments from the past. The fast-paced dialogue and the cynical humour set the rhythm of the play and recommend it for a radio drama production. The outcome, known from the very beginning, allows for sound solutions that deepen the narrative and develop a rich sound space. The detached tone of the protagonists hides the suffering of the characters and the virtual communication meets the standards of conviviality and optimistic bravery imposed by the online environment. In the end, what seems like a comedy turns to a bitter testimony about the immaturity and emotional instability with which the two protagonists destroy their marriage. It also talks about the fragile balance between preserving personal freedoms and making necessary compromises for the partner’s needs. The cast brings together in front of the microphone two actors with experience and versatility in following the meandres of the couple’s feelings in a divorce: Nicoleta Lefter and Cristian Iacob. The ending turns the party into a therapeutic session of maturity in the characters and their acceptance of failures and losses in life.

The production All’s Well that Ends by Andreea Tănase is part of a programme called Playwright Debut at the Radio Drama through which Radio Romania launches annually – starting with 2017 – a promising young playwright at the beginning of his or her career. We promote the assertion of the new generation of playwrights.

English text (click)