Antet GPN 2023


SHORT FORMS. Romania - Nothingnesslessness

Name for freelancers: Fierbinteanu. Author: Cristian Fierbinteanu, Gabriela Fierbinteanu. Producer: Gabriela Fierbinteanu. Director & Sound engineer: Cristian Fierbinteanu. Sound effects: Alex Bala.

"Nothingnesslessness" is a short experimental piece on authority, fear and acceptance. It implies a choir, a soup, a band a pluri-voiced character which opens and closes for several times the window to hear and, respectively, to ignore the protests and the alarm sirens. Built like a mantra, it stands like a monochrome statement on multitude.

This post-post-post-post modern "to be or not to be", stripped of binarity, describes a repeated reaction that constantly decomposes into non-reaction.
Depending on individual levels of humanity, acidic skepticism or divine grace, this kaleidoscope of oneness could inflict a revolution or a self-evolution.

English text (click)